Welcome to our FAQ page, your one-stop resource for answers to commonly asked questions.
Whether you're a new customer looking to learn more about what we offer or a long-time user seeking clarification on specific topics, this page has clear and concise information about our products and services.
To create an account, click on the "Sign Up" button, provide the required information such as name, date of birth, gender, verified email, and phone number (with OTP). Choose your school, department, and level (for students), and select interests from a predetermined list.
Click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. You'll receive instructions on resetting your password via email or OTP verification.
Yes, you can change your password in the "Account Settings" section after logging in. Follow the prompts to update your password.
You can edit your profile, including adding profile images, in the "Profile" or "Account Settings" section after logging in.
Yes, you can find a tutorial or user guide in the "Help" or "FAQ" section of the app. It provides step-by-step instructions on using different features.
In the "Help" or "Support" section, you'll find options to contact customer support. You can use in-app messaging or find contact details for email support.
Providers can offer services by setting up an account, selecting a service category, listing rates, and initiating a chat with users interested in their services.